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Environmental Science (B.S.) Academic Requirements

Academic Requirements Environmental Science (B.S.)

Student Checklist

Introductory ENV courses: (both are required) Tree Banding

  • ENV 101. Introduction to Environmental Studies 
  • ENV 117. Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Introductory science sequences  (all are required)

  • BIO 111, 112. General Biology I, II
  • CHE 120, 220. Principles of Organic Molecules & Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Mathematics course (1 course)

  • MAT 109 Statistics, or MAT 201 Differential Calculus (Differential Calclus is recommended if you plan on attending graduate school)

Environmental science lab-based courses: (all are required) 


  • ENV 141. Atmosphere, Ocean and Environment
  • ENV 242. Applied Ecology (pre-req ENV 101, BIO 111, and BIO 112)
  • CHE/ENV 210. Environmental Chemistry (pre-req CHE 120, CHE 220)
  • ENV 312. Field Methods in Environmental Science (pre-req ENV 101, ENV 141, ENV 244 and two of the following: BIO 112, CHE 120, PHY 112)
  • ENV 311. Watershed Biogeochemistry (pre-req ENV 101, ENV 141, ENV 244, ENV/CHE 210)

Three elective environmental courses selected from the list below: 

At least 2 must be ENV waterfall

Only 1 can be non-lab based (marked with * below)

  • ENV/BIO 221. The Bermuda Environment (summer course)
  • ENV 222. Summer Environmental Studies in Ecuador (summer course)*
  • ENV 240. Earth and Planetary Systems
  • ENV 294. Environmental Communication*
  • ENV 294. Anthropogenic Impact Across an Environmental Gradient (Summer Course)
  • ENV 302. Conservation and Wildlife Techniques    
  • salamanders
  • ENV/BIO 313. Wetlands Ecology
  • ENV 314. Energy and the Environment*
  • ENV 319. Sustainability and the Environment*
  • ENV 320. Climate Change
  • ENV 394. Marine Conservation
  • ENV Restoration Ecology
  • ENV 294, 394. Other Special Topics (with approval of the Chair, possibility of a lab)   binoculars
  • CRS 246. Interdisciplinary Study of an Estuary: Integration and Action (if enrolled in the Chesapeake Semester)*
  • BIO 309. Marine and Estuarine Biology
  • BIO 328. Behavioral Ecology
  • CHE 310. Greener & Sustainable Chemistry
  • turtle

Junior and Senior Seminar (1-credit each)

  • ENV 392. Environmental Science and Studies Junior Seminar
  • ENV 491. Environmental Science and Studies Senior Seminar

Senior Capstone Experience (4 credits)

  • ENV SCE, to be completed the last semester of a student鈥檚 senior year

Note for students who double major or minor in Biology

  • Students who double major in Environmental Science and Biology can double count a maximum of 4 courses (3 Required Courses: BIO 111, 112, BIO 206 or ENV 242 and 1 upper-level elective) towards their double major. Students majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Biology can double count a maximum of 3 courses (BIO 111, 112 and 1 approved upper-level BIO or ENV elective) towards their Environmental Science major. To complete the Biology minor, an additional 4 upper-level BIO courses are required.

Note for students who minor in Chesapeake Regional Studies (5 courses total):

  • Students who minor in Chesapeake Regional Studies can double count one course for this minor and the Environmental Science or Studies major.

Note for students who minor in Earth and Planetary Systems (6 courses total):

  • Students who minor in Earth and Planetary Systems can double count two courses from the core for this minor and the Environmental Science or Studies major.

Note for students who are interested in pursuing a Physics track within the Environmental Science degree program:

  • Students can substitute PHY 111 and/or PHY 112 for one or two courses in the major after consultation with and written approval from an ENV Department Chair.

Note for students who are interested in majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in any discipline:

  • Students can double count a maximum number of courses, based on the total number of courses required for the minor, as detailed below:
    • 5 course minor = 1 course overlap with ENV science major
    • 6 course minor = 2 course overlap with ENV science major
    • 7 course minor = 3 course overlap with ENV science major