Gabe Feinberg

  • Co-Chair, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Portrait photo of Gabe Feinberg

Gabe Feinberg


Office Hours

Fall 21' Tu 9:30-1100. W 3:00-4:00; and by Appointment

Schedule a
  • Ph.D. University of Connecticut, 2013.  Advisor: 
  • M.S. Drexel University, 2008.
  • B.S. Muhlenberg College, 2004. 

Fall 2021:

  • MAT 111 - Differential Calculus
  • MAT 210  - Multivariable Calculus
  • MAT 410 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra 

In previous semesters:

  • MAT 112 - Integral Calculus
  • MAT/CSI 240 - Discrete Mathematics
  • MAT/CSI 322 - Special Topics: Combinatorics & Graph Theory  
  • MAT 394 - Special Topics: Operations Research

Senior Capstone Experiences advised:

  • Symmetries and Dance (Nicole Noce)
  • Pascal鈥檚 wager and subjective probability (Allison Hinshaw)
  • Principal component analysis (Peter Wu)
  • Finding minimal distances between elliptical orbits (Kasim Li) 
  • The mathematics of incomplete cubes and the art of Sol Lewitt (Jack Nevins)
  • An exploration of the hook-length rule for counting standard Young tableaux (Spencer Russell)
  • Integers and polynomial rings (Danielle Glenn)
  • Who鈥檚 counting? - a geometric exploration of voting methods (Elijah McGuire-Berk)