Aaron Krochmal

  • Associate Professor of Biology


  • B.S., Biology, Union College (NY), 1996
  • M.S., Biology, New York University, 1998
  • Ph.D., Ecology, Indiana State University, 2003

I am a broadly-trained, integrative organismal biologist interested in the behavior, physiology, and ecology of reptiles. Specifically, I combine these disciplines to investigate how reptiles perceive, interact with, and navigate their environments. 

  • General Biology I and II
  • Integrative Human Anatomy
  • Integrative Human Physiology
  • General Endocrinology
  • Research Techniques in Herpetology


Selected Honors and Awards 

今晚六合彩开奖结果 Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Teaching
今晚六合彩开奖结果 Club Advisor of the Year
University of Houston - Downtown, Excellence in Teaching Award


Selected Recent Popular Press Coverage

A sensationalized view of Snapping turtle migration in  (60 million + views!)

Animal learning, memory, and migration, on National Public Radio鈥檚 

Agribusiness goes hand-in-hand with animal conservation in 

Students learn about how animals learn in  (scroll down)


Selected Recent and Forthcoming Publications

(* - undergraduate coauthor)

Krochmal, Aaron R. and Roth, Timothy C. Roth. (2023). "The case for investigating the cognitive map in reptiles" Animal Behaviour. 197, 71-80
Roth, T.C. and Aaron R. Krochmal. (2022). Testudines Life History. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, J. Vonk, T. K. Shackelford (eds.). Springer. 6931-6937

Roth, Alexander D., Aaron R. Krochmal, and Timothy C. Roth. "Contribution to the special issue on reptile cognition: Context-specific cue use in the Eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) and its effects on decision making." Behaviour 1.aop (2021): 1-20.

Krochmal, Aaron R., Timothy C. Roth II, and Nathaniel T. Simmons. "My way is the highway: the role of plasticity in learning complex migration routes." Animal Behaviour 174 (2021): 161-167.

Krochmal, Aaron R., Timothy C. Roth, and Nathaniel T. Simmons. "The geomagnetic field does not appear to influence navigation in Eastern painted turtles." Ethology 127.3 (2021): 246-252.

Roth, T. C., Rosier, M., Krochmal, A. R., & Clark, L. (2020). A multi鈥恡rait, field鈥恇ased examination of personality in a semi鈥恆quatic turtle. Ethology126(8), 851-857.

Roth, T.C., A.R. Krochmal, and L.D. LaDage.  2019. Reptilian cognition: A more complex picture via integration of neurological mechanisms, behavioral constraints, and evolutionary context. BioEssays. DOI: 10.1002/bies.201900033  

Roth, T.C. and A.R. Krochmal. 2018. Of molecules, memories, and migration: M1 acetylcholine receptors facilitate spatial memory formation and recall during migratory navigation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 

Krochmal, A.R., A.J. Place, T.J. LaDuc, and T.C. Roth. 2018. Phylogenetic patterns in learning and decision making in pit vipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae). Animal Behaviour.  145 (November 2018) 117-123. 

Roth, T.C. and A.R. Krochmal. 2018. Testudines Life History. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, J. Vonk, T. K. Shackelford (eds.). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1448-1 

Roth, T.C., and A.R. Krochmal. 鈥淲ild vs. Lab Box 18.2 Where the Wild Things Are: A Naturalistic Approach to Studying Cognition in Chelonians.鈥 Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition: A Comparative Guide (2018): 414.: Animal Cognition, F. Amici and N. Bueno eds., Cambridge University Press. 

Krochmal, A. R., Roth, T. C. and O鈥橫alley, H*. 2018.  An empirical test of the role of learning in translocation. Anim Conservation.  21 (1), 36鈥44.  

Krochmal, A.R. and Roth, T.C. 2017. From Comfort to Confidence: Modeling Science as a Process of Risk-Taking in the Classroom. In Risk-taking in higher education: The importance of negotiating intellectual challenge in the college classroom. Kelty, R. and Bunten, B, eds. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Roth, T. C., Krochmal, A. R., Gerwig, IV, W. B*., Rush, S*., Simmons, N. T*., Sullivan, J. D*., and Wachter, K*. 2016. Using Pharmacological Manipulation and High-precision Radio Telemetry to Study Spatial Cognition in Free-ranging Animals. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54790, doi:10.3791/54790       

Roth, T.C. and A.R. Krochmal. 2016. Pharmacological Evidence is Consistent with a Prominent Role of Spatial Memory in Complex Navigation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 383 (1824)  Featured cover article

Krochmal, A.R., T.C. Roth, S. Rush* and K. Wachter*. 2015. Outsmarting rapid environmental change: the role of cognition in navigation. Communicative and Integrative Biology. 8:6 e1052922 DOI:

Roth, Timothy C., and A R. Krochmal. Cognition-centered conservation as a means of advancing integrative animal behavior. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6 (2015): 1-6 DOI:

Roth, T.C., A.R. Krochmal, and Z. Nemeth. 2015. Thinking about change: an integrative approach for examining cognition in a changing world. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 55: 347-353 DOI: 

Roth, T.C., and A.R. Krochmal. 2015The role of age-specific learning and experience for turtles navigating a changing landscape. Current Biology 25:333-337. DOI:; Cover article and cover photo. Featured in Berkeley Science Review.